Family and Community Support

Our primary provision is being enhanced by ensuring that positive home-school relationships are established at the earliest opportunity. The education of a child is more effective where there is alignment between parenting and schooling and we seek to ensure that families are well supported to carry out their essential part in this journey.

Our early family support and education provision are central to this work - equipping parents and carers with the skills and knowledge they need to support their child's education and personal development. We will strengthen this, ensuring that all academies have a consistent core as well as a locally tailored, needs-driven offer which enables the home-school relationships to flourish.

All of our Primary Academies deliver Family Links Nurturing Groups and hold regular coffee mornings for parents and carers to get to know the school team and meet other agencies who work in the community. If you are a partner agency who would like to make links with your local ̨swag Primary Academy, get in touch with us by contacting

Our schools at the heart of the community and the community in our hearts

Our Vision:

We are always working towards our vision which is segmented into the five strands below.

Our Family and Community Support Strategy continues to put children first by bringing families and communities together. If you have any feedback on how we can improve, please let us know.

    • To support transition into school throughout the early years. To support children and families who are new to school in any year group and at any point throughout the year

    • To create a love of reading that supports children in their confidence and development of reading skills

    • To have access to a central bank of high quality resources that support families within their home environment

    • To help parents and carers to build confidence in supporting their child to achieve throughout their school life

    • To support parents and carers on their journey back into work/volunteering/training

    • To support parents and carers to provide for their child’s basic needs

    • To support the emotional health and well-being of children and families

    • To support the physical health of children and families by providing preventative early intervention activities

    • To support parental mental health

    • To support the mental health of children, by providing preventative early intervention work

    • To support parents/carers of children with SEND to Navigate the Landscape

    • To create a strong relationship with parents and carers that withstands problem solving and conflict

    • To increase opportunities for parents and carers to engage with school at the earliest stage in their child’s life to begin to build the relationship between home and school

    • To ensure that parents and carers have a mechanism for getting their voice heard

    • To provide parents and carers with accurate and timely information that is presented in a sensitive way.

    • To support parents and carers to remove barriers to education

    • For children and their families to feel supported throughout their transition from Primary to Secondary Education

    • To increase the presence of the academy within the community, building trust and confidence in the academy

    • To provide parents and carers with opportunities to enhance their basic skills in Maths and English

    • To support children in their development of emotional literacy, increasing parental knowledge and awareness

    • To provide high quality parenting support courses that nurture the parent/child relationship

    • To support children and young people to make informed choices about their behaviour within the wider community.

    • To support children’s speech and language development throughout their time at school and empower this work to continue in the home environment

    • To support families who are facing vulnerabilities and strengthening the networks available for families to access

    • To keep contextual safeguarding issues at the forefront of our work in school and that this knowledge is shared with parents and carers

Where are our Hubs?

The map below shows all of our Primary Academy locations. Those pinned in yellow are Hub sites which deliver an enhanced provision, however, the teams at all of our schools can signpost you to community partners if you need further support.

Find provision in your area