Positive report and ‘Good’ Ofsted rating for ̨swag Primary Academy Littleworth Grange

̨swag Primary Academy Littleworth Grange has maintained its ‘Good’ Ofsted rating following an inspection in July. The glowing report begins by stating ‘Pupils at this school are friendly, happy and kind. The school has high expectations of behaviour, conduct and learning. Pupils thrive on this.’

Inspectors also commented on the curriculum in place at the school, specifically praising the ‘̨swag Diploma’, noting that it is ‘a rich set of experiences that build in complexity and expectation from early years to Year 6. The experiences are exciting and meaningful.’

Ofsted’s report is full of highlights, including that:

  • The curriculum is ambitious. It has been carefully planned to engage and interest pupils.

  • Children at the early stages of learning to read are supported exceptionally well. The school’s chosen approach to teaching phonics is well established and followed consistently.

  • Staff know pupils well. They treat them with kindness and care.

  • Behaviour is exemplary both in classrooms and at other times of the day. Pupils have very positive attitudes to learning.

  • Pupils enjoy the wide range of opportunities the school gives them. This includes residential trips, visitors to the school and a multitude of playtime activities.

  • Teachers benefit from the regular training they receive from leaders within the school and the trust. Teachers’ subject knowledge is strong. They use it well to plan inclusive, exciting lessons.

  • The school’s focus on pupils’ personal development is exemplary. The school has successfully implemented a curriculum that focuses on important aspects of personal, social, health and economic learning.


Karen Wakefield, Lead Principal at ̨swag Primary Academy Littleworth Grange, commented on the positive report:

“Our recent Ofsted inspection validated the incredible hard work and dedication of our staff and students. The inspector recognised the positive and nurturing atmosphere we have created, where children feel safe, supported, and eager to learn.

“We are particularly proud of the inspector’s acknowledgement of our commitment to fostering a love of reading and developing well-rounded individuals. This is a testament to our school's core values and our unwavering belief that every child deserves the best possible education.”


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